Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blue Heaven

I loved this pool. The back tiles are actually a beautiful periwinkle blue - Periwinkle Blue is my favorite shade of all of the blues. Of course I love any shade of blue - since I was very young, blue was my favorite color. I'm always amazed when I meet someone who does not have a favorite color. I tried to change my favorite color in my 30s because I thought it was not fashionable. You know, it is known to be a cool color so I worried perhaps that I might be a cool personality. I tried to make reds and oranges my favorite so I would be considered a hot personality, but try as I might I could not draw myself away from blues. Don’t misunderstand me, I love all colors – absolutely love them all and am happy when I am surrounded by a multitude of color, even to the point that some would consider color chaos. But blue is my heaven. Also, now I am older, now I know, I am not a cool personality but an artist with great passion in my soul. Perhaps I also love blue because I am an Aquarian (a water child). And the draw to periwinkle - February’s birthstone is the purple amethyst. But I also suspect it is linked to peace, tranquility, composure and poise (the qualities I most respect in humans) – a stillness of one’s core, self disciple in one's soul to stay still long enough to see the heavens and all of the beauty of God’s treasures, the characteristic that sets an artist apart from other people.

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